If you were a born creator above everything else, what would your world look like?

Want to explore what is truly possible?

Conscious Initiative is an inspired group of people bringing to the world in-person and online day retreats.

C.I. retreats connect people to the higher part of themselves by applying powerful, practical tools where participants can take creative control of their life.

Enjoy a day dedicated to your personal or professional growth. Complete practical exercises that will help you gain clarity, purpose and direction.

Day retreats incorporate a series of mindfulness exercises that allows you to experience a connection to that part of you that has the answers.

Learn the road map for how to sit powerfully in your truth with purpose. C.I. retreats invite you to look beyond what your five senses are telling you and to see what else is possible for you.

“You are no longer at a loss in life. You are now the author of your life.” ~ Linda Ireland, educator.

As seen in

Your Superpower

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak

What if I told you that some of the most successful and creative people and leaders in the world say that meditation is one of their superpowers?

It is a tool that gives them clarity and sharpness of mind to make decisions from the place of their greatness? And this has been absolutely true for me.

Here are some just to name a few:

  • Jeff Weiner - Former Yahoo executive and Linkedin CEO blocks time out in his calendar every day to meditate.
  • Arianna Huffington - Founder of Huffington post has been meditating since she was a teenager.
  • Padmasree Warrior - Named by Forbes as one of the top100 most powerful women in the world meditates for 20 minutes every morning.
  • Jerry Seinfeld - One of the most successful entertainers in the world meditates daily for one purpose: productivity.
  • Ray Dalio - When asked what’s the single thing he can trace back to his success he said “meditation”. He’s been meditating for over 40 years and is the founder of the worlds largest hedge fund.
  • Joe Rogan - He believes his meditation practice allows him to focus on various different ventures and keep a clear head.
  • Jim Carrey - "There is a difference between real danger and imagined danger and it's hard to turn that off. Meditation for me and a lot of people has been a way to turn that off and/or recognize that those thoughts are just thoughts, like clouds across the sky.”
  • Deepak Chopra - “Everyone thinks that the purpose of meditation is to handle stress, to tune out, to get away from it all. While that's partially true, the real purpose of meditation is actually to tune in, not to get away from it all, but to get in touch with it all.”

Your new tool kit

Meditation is a large part of the curriculum at Conscious Initiative

Our meditations and the powerful tools that accompany them become the framework for your success. These tools include:

  • A process to bypass the dysfunctional pattern in your life and gain clarity on the right choices to make each day.
  • A process to neutralise your dysfunctional patterns.
  • A process that retrains the brain to give clarity on healthy choices and move you closer to your goal.
  • A process to accelerate you towards your end result.
  • A process of neutralising any charge that is stopping you from moving forward.
  • A process of connecting with your greatness, increasing your intuition and making decisions for each day.
  • A process for neutralising conflict within yourself or in your environment.
  • A meditation for connecting with your greatness.
  • A meditation for increasing your intuition.
  • A meditation for clarity of mind.
  • A meditation for guided writing.
  • A meditation for improved sleep.

Conscious Connection Immersive Day Retreat

The Conscious Connection Immersive Day Retreat is already having a ripple effect in the community, where people have reconnected with their greatness and made powerful decisions that have brought profound change to their lives.

This course will:

  • Show you how your intuition is different to your instincts.
  • Increase your connection to your intuition.
  • Introduce you to the dysfunctional patterns that are holding you back.
  • Provide tools to realign with your purpose and get clear on what that is.
  • Heighten your personal insight.
  • Give you the next steps in aligning with your greatness.

Treat yourself to a day of meditation and insightful exercises through self-enquiry. Plan your next move in life. It's waiting for you.

Conscious Wealth Course

The Conscious Wealth Course has already changed many participants' views of what wealth means to them.

This shift in understanding has made acquiring wealth more achievable in all aspects of their lives.

Graduates have been able to make courageous decisions that have inspired profound growth in their lives.

This course will help you:

  • Understand what wealth means to you in all facets of your life.
  • Get clarity on what financial success means based on your definition of wealth.
  • The benefits of having order around your money and learning the tools to achieve this.
  • Explore your dysfunctional money patterns and how to overcome them.
  • Realign with your financial goals to suit your purpose and passion.

This is your invitation to look beyond what your five senses are telling you and discover what else is possible.

Conscious Life Series Three Day Retreat



Hear from our Community

5 star rating

I got so much from this course!

Tammie oneill

I am so grateful for taking the time to do this course! I was feeling lost and stagnant having changed careers and I felt like I had lost my creativity and d...

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I am so grateful for taking the time to do this course! I was feeling lost and stagnant having changed careers and I felt like I had lost my creativity and drive to imagine new ideas. From stress and burnout. The guided meditations helped me learn how to tap back into myself and find my true life path whatever it may be. Thank you so much Linda. You are a true blessing and I can’t wait for the next course.

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5 star rating

Positive step forward

Deb Bailey

I would totally recommend this course to anyone who feels that they cannot seem to get it right or why they end up with the same results time and time again....

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I would totally recommend this course to anyone who feels that they cannot seem to get it right or why they end up with the same results time and time again. Linda guides you through the steps to help you understand the pattern that's been instilled in each of us from a very young age and is so deep that we unknowingly keep repeating it. Knowledge is strength and that is why having an insight into why we keep ending up with a similar result is what will make the shift that breaks the pattern that changes your life forever. Thank you for the insight Linda x

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5 star rating

100% recommend the Conscious Initiative courses!

Sami Ezzy

Linda is a class act with much wisdom and knowledge to impart. I learnt so much about my patterns (both positive and otherwise) plus how to tap into my intui...

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Linda is a class act with much wisdom and knowledge to impart. I learnt so much about my patterns (both positive and otherwise) plus how to tap into my intuition so I can make better, more aligned decisions. And for someone who suffers from "monkey brain", I was super impressed with the meditations and how effective they were at quietening all the noise! Thanks Linda. Thoroughly enjoyed the day. Sam M

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5 star rating

What an amazing day!

Chris Ezzy

I recently attended the Conscious Connection one-day immersion course facilitated by Linda Ireland and I would thoroughly recommend this course, especially a...

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I recently attended the Conscious Connection one-day immersion course facilitated by Linda Ireland and I would thoroughly recommend this course, especially at a time when there is so much going on in the world; it was nice to calm my mind for the day. Linda helped me truly connect with myself and uncover a recurring pattern that has continually caused blocks for me in the past and with some valuable insights I feel I can step in front of these patterns and create new outcomes. Linda really is a wealth of knowledge and an absolute spiritual powerhouse. I enjoyed the day and met some incredible people that were in attendance. Thank you Linda for an amazing day!

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5 star rating

Outstanding results from this course

Sami Ezzy

After putting the strategies from this course into practice, I've had sensational results in my business, to the point that I've had to hire an extra team me...

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After putting the strategies from this course into practice, I've had sensational results in my business, to the point that I've had to hire an extra team member to handle the growth! The changes have been nothing short of miraculous. I haven't changed anything in how I run the business except for implementing the intuitive strategies I learnt in this course. Thank you Linda and Shayle for the life-changing information you shared with us! I'm excited to see what the future holds.

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5 star rating

A deep understanding of what wealth means to me

Heather Edwards

This was such a fantastic event that has really put a fire underneath me to not only tidy up my finances however to look forward to an extremely abundant fut...

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This was such a fantastic event that has really put a fire underneath me to not only tidy up my finances however to look forward to an extremely abundant future using the incredibly effective daily tools that the ladies provided . I now have a deep understanding of what wealth means to me and I can now target my financial goals around this. Thank you Linda and Shayle for an incredible day. xx

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5 star rating

Absolutely Brilliant :))

Poppi Midgley

I was so thrilled to chose this deep level workshop facilitated by Linda ~ in a very special effervescent attentive way. The workshop was a very helpful dis...

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I was so thrilled to chose this deep level workshop facilitated by Linda ~ in a very special effervescent attentive way. The workshop was a very helpful discovery of deep level beliefs, choices, and pivoting to new directions ~ both dynamically in physical and conscious ways. The day went too fast! Thanx so much for all my new awareness and directions.

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5 star rating

Aha! moment

Chris Ezzy

What a great day this was for me personally. Linda was an amazing facilitator and I'm truly grateful for how I was guided to be able to connect the dots and ...

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What a great day this was for me personally. Linda was an amazing facilitator and I'm truly grateful for how I was guided to be able to connect the dots and have an Aha! Moment with some of my patterns and beliefs around wealth. An added bonus was that I was amongst some incredible people that were also drawn to this course. Thanks for a wonderful day and some lasting lessons!

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Community Share

Thank you!

Denise Daffara

"I so enjoyed attending the Conscious Connection - One Day Immersion LIVE , it was confidently and powerfully led by Linda Ireland, and her supportive MC Chantelle Anink.

Linda has a beautiful energy that she brings to her work and life.. this shines through in the way she holds space for her workshop participants. There is a gentleness combined with a deep strength that allows you to drop some of the barriers you may have had up ‘against the outer noise’. There is a quiet calm that you are invited into the centre of, it is there that you meet yourself and are guided through several exercises to listen to your intuition. You will learn how the choices you are making really are creating your experience of the world.

I strongly recommend Linda’s work to highly sensitive ‘hsp’s’ who would benefit from a gentle space yet held with much power and integrity. The guided meditations and drumming music were so beautifully energising throughout the day that by the end of our time together I felt enlivened."

About Linda

Head Course Creator

Head Creator Linda Ireland

Linda Ireland championed the business world until it took its toll.

She has built and sold many businesses over the years, and since retiring early, she continues to develop her property investment portfolio with her husband, Matt.

Although impressive to read, Linda is quick to point out that her business success was far from smooth sailing. From starting so young, Linda learned the ropes of a very tough industry, made instinctively good decisions and impulsive bad ones. Long hours, burnout, chronic stress, pressure and unforeseen global events severely challenged her mental health, physical health, personal relationships, and love for life.

Linda approaches work projects in the same way that an artist might look at a canvas: life and all of its experiences are a creative process. She attributes this attitude as the key to why she achieved so much success in her career.

Linda has explored many different creative projects, from owning a yoga studio to one of the largest finance brokerages in Australia; selling one of their businesses to a listed company to running a marathon with no prior practice.

Today, Linda dedicates her working life to sharing what she has learned in both business and quantum universes. She pays forward the tools she gained through sharing stories, methods, philosophies and principles with anyone who wants to benefit from them.

Will you join us?

To find out how to get started on your journey to greatness follow the link below